Thursday, September 26, 2013

Controlling for Cybersecurity Risks of Medical Device Software

[direct link to Peter Neumann's PDF here]

Today, Dr. James Blum (Anesthesiology, University of Michigan Health System) and I published an article that reflects on "Controlling for Cyber Security Risks of Medical Device Software" in the context of the draft FDA guidance on cybersecurity. You can download this Inside Risks Column from the Communications of the ACM.

The ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy conducts peer review of the Inside Risks column in CACM, and also helps the moderator of the RISKS Digest.

-Kevin Fu

Monday, September 16, 2013

Video of USENIX HealthTech Panel w/ Speakers from Adventium Labs, U. Michigan, VA, and FDA

USENIX HealthTech has posted the video of the panel on medical device security from August 2013.

The panelists include: